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Leading a startup means wearing a lot of different hats. You are in charge of building and selling your product, are overseeing operations, and you may be looking after your finances too. Most probably, you are doing all the recruitment, and odds are you are the one pitching investors. All in all, there's a lot to figure out.

Player 2 offers a variety of services that can help make your life as an entrepreneur easier.


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In order to decide where you are going, you must first know where you are right now and identify the problem(s) you solve.



Investors can be a great source of funding, connections, and expertise. We can help you find the right ones for your business.


Personal Growth

A mentor can help you navigate uncharted waters, and help you grow on a personal level.



Before you can determine where you are going, it’s important to establish where you are right now and why you do what you do. We’ll help you analyse your business and answer some important questions, like what your company’s WHY is, and which problem(s) you solve. What makes your company unique? Subsequently, the question is what your ultimate goals are and what you need to do in order to reach them.

Once you’ve established your company’s narrative you can focus on execution and business development, such as a road map, a hiring plan, and your forecasts and projections.


It’s important to determine whether raising outside funding is the right choice for you and your business. We can take you through the pros and cons of getting institutional investors or business angels on board, and help you decide how much money to raise. We'll make sure you nail your pitches too.

There are quite some options and each has their time and place in a company's lifecycle.

  • Self-funded (bootstrapped)
  • Debt financing & credit lines
  • Friends and family
  • Angel investors
  • Institutional investors

If you decide to go down the "VC path" we can help you find the right investors - no matter the stage of your company. Professional investors are a great source of expertise and experience, and can provide unique access to talent. In addition, they have the connections you need to raise follow-up funding.


It’s important to determine whether raising outside funding is the right choice for you and your business. We can take you through the pros and cons of getting institutional investors or business angels on board, and help you decide how much money to raise. We'll make sure you nail your pitches too.

There are quite some options and each has their time and place in a company's lifecycle.

  • Self-funded (bootstrapped)
  • Debt financing & credit lines
  • Friends and family
  • Angel investors
  • Institutional investors

If you decide to go down the "VC path" we can help you find the right investors - no matter the stage of your company. Professional investors are a great source of expertise and experience, and can provide unique access to talent. In addition, they have the connections you need to raise follow-up funding.

Personal Growth

Running a startup is tough and your journey will be full of challenges. At times, it can be a lonely path to follow.

A mentor can help you grow as a leader by giving you support, advice, and candid feedback. This will help you develop your organisational skills, better manage your time, and focus on what’s important.

Besides business practices, this includes looking after your mental health and wellbeing, and exploring your personal motivations (ikigai). If you could use a sounding board or need someone to have your back, all you need to do is "PRESS START" and select Player 2.


Please reach out if you’d like to talk

Ruud Dekker

I've always been interested in the human side of business, and how interaction is at the foundation of learning and growth. This was why I focused my studies on foreign languages, business psychology, and cultural differences. I also spent time living in Norway and Slovakia in order to broaden my horizon.

After a decade of working in business development and the payments industry I moved into venture capital a few years ago. I quickly realised that one of the most satisfying aspects of being an early-stage investor is helping founders develop themselves and their companies, and I founded Player 2 for this very reason.

I consider myself a curious generalist with a desire to solve problems.

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